Daydreams and Nightscreams - 10 Steps to suceed in sleep a performance by BRO*THER Issues  Spieltriebe 8-Festival 2019 // Gut Leye Osnabrück //  concept, text, music and performance Jchj v.Dussel // Moritz Sauer //  Lan Anh Pham // Theresa Leopold //

(c) Selina Haberland

D A Y D R E A M S A N D N I G H T S C R E A M S - 10 S T E P S T O S U C C E E D I N S L E E P // a performance by BRO*THER Issues

Spieltriebe 8-Festival 2019 // Gut Leye Osnabrück //

concept, text, music and performance Jchj v.Dussel and Moritz Sauer // stage and cosutume design Lan Anh Pham // dramaturgy Theresa Leopold //


und jetzt: die welt
